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Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Answered

Do you help treat terminal or chronic illness?

Massage can help relieve many symptoms and issues relating to health problems - especially those related to muscular issues, mobility and stress/anxiety. It can help to make a big difference in making someone feel more comfortable and improve quality of life.

Everyone is different in where they are when they come for a massage session. Some people will feel a big improvement after their first session - for others, it might take four or five sessions.

If you are suffering with a chronic or terminal illness, I would recommend that you get in touch prior to booking an appointment, so we can discuss your needs and decide whether massage would be appropriate.

What should I expect from my first session?

At your first session, we will discuss any issues that you currently have, and how you are hoping to feel after your session. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions that you have, and let me know whether you prefer deeper or lighter pressure, and what specifically you would like worked on. I may make some suggestions.

I will explain the massage couch set up, and talk a little about how to get the best from your session.

I will make sure you are happy, and then I will leave the space while you get undressed and lie down under the covers. I will come back in when you are ready.

At the end of the session, I will let yu know that I am leaving the space, and you can take your time to get up and dressed.

I highly recommend you spend some time paying attention to how you are feeling over the following day or two, and see what might feel different.

How should I prepare for my first treatment?

The most important thing is that you are clean and as relaxed as possible - people get the most benefit from their treatment if they are fully relaxed.

Clothes-wise it doesn't really matter what you are wearing - for all treatments, any area that is not being worked on will be covered anyway. Most clients (for an oiled massage) just wear their underpants, but if a client prefers to have more on, or a clothed treatment, we can do that too.

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