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What your massage therapist doesn't care about


Or at least - what this massage therapist doesn't care about (and I'm guessing most others don't, either). Some of these are things that, sadly, will make people so self-conscious that they just won't come for massage, even if it would be really beneficial for them.

This is the one that is most common - and it really, really, really makes no difference to your massage. We don't care that you haven't shaved your legs or your armpits. If I'm honest - I probably haven't shaved mine either. Women of the world (and this is one that I only ever hear from women), don't ever apologise for being your natural self. Men don't think twice about having a massage without getting rid of their body hair beforehand - and they generally have a lot more. Don't even think twice, just turn up and have your massage.

Another thing to not worry about is your feet. Some of you reading this might hate your feet - you might think they are ugly or too big, that your toes are too hairy. Or you might suffer from hard skin, callouses, bunions. Whatever your issue with your feet - I promise you that a) it's unlikely it's something unique, and I will have seen it before and b) I am extremely unlikely to look at your feet and recoil! Feet are amazing! Between them, they are less than 3% of your bodyweight, yet they bear the other 97% of your weight. They offer you balance and support, and they work really hard! If you don't want me to work on your feet, it's not a problem - but don't hate on them. They don't deserve it.

Something a lot of people worry about is their weight. There are two main reasons why. The first is a concern that the massage table won't hold their weight. That can be a valid concern - some massage and beauty tables are not particularly sturdy. If you are worried, I suggest you get in touch with the therapist ahead of booking in, and ask them if they know if their massage table will take your weight. That will give you the peace of mind that you need to be able to walk in confidently. The second is a concern that their massage therapist will be judging them on their weight. My honest opinion is, if that's how they feel about a human body, they are in the wrong job. As a massage therapist, the size of the body I am working on is absolutely the least important factor in a massage. Health, wellbeing, state of mind - all of these are much more important than what size you are. If you are unlucky enough to find a massage therapist that makes you feel uncomfortable about your weight - go elsewhere. Many therapists would be glad to have you come and see us. Some of us (me included) are on the larger side ourselves.

The last one on this list, is the skin that you are in. There are many skin issues that people are self-conscious about, from moles and blemishes, to psoriasis and eczema, to acne scarring and unusual pigmentation. Most of the time, these things are not an issue. We may have to be cautious if there are areas of broken skin, and avoid that area, but dry flaky skin or issues that are purely cosmetic cause no issues at all. Obviously if there are issues that are contagious, such as scabies, warts, verrucas, fungal infections such as athlete's foot - massage would be contraindicated - either in full, or just avoiding the affected area, depending on what the issue is - until it had cleared up. But there are many skin conditions that that pose no problem at all.

Massage is all about working with real people with real bodies and real emotions. Very few clients come for massage just 'because'. Most of us have issues, and you know what? That's ok. Most massage therapists aren't perfect either, and we'll be happy to have you come through our door.


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